
Scared of the average length of lawsuits in Italy? You're right, but we have options.

At first glance, the Italian legal system may look a little underwhelming.
But if you look closer... it's actually worse than that.
On average, lawsuits last too long - I mean: years, many years - and it's not that uncommon to start one and have your children taking care of it.

Of course there are times when disputes must be addressed in Court but frequently that's not the case.
In fact, though flawed, our legal system still gives our clients many opportunities to settle matters out of Court in different ways, mostly through private agreements and special procedures.
Sometimes it's even mandatory to try and seal an agreement before filing the case in Court and severe consequences can be faced by those who don't follow this rule.

This is where good lawyers come into play: they put great effort in advising the clients to pursue their best interest, which very rarely translates into a costly and time consuming lawsuit.
As lawyers, we always inform our clients of all the instruments provided by our legal system to protect their rights and interests.

Among those instruments the main ones are mediazione and negoziazione assistita, special procedures through which a dispute can be resolved out of Court, either before a mediator or just by lawyers.
Here comes the take home message: should you get involved in a lawsuit in Italy, don't jump to conclusions: you don't have to move to Tuscany and spend there the rest of your life waiting for the sentence - though you may end up liking that.
Just look for a reputable lawyer: with the right procedure, a long holiday should be enough.

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